
Welcome to my web site, which I freely admit is part vanity press and part info cache for those who share my eclectic pop-cultural, and sociological obsessions.

I'm well aware that there are thousands of "Carol Cooper's" out there, so if you are looking for the nurse-practitioner or the Profile Records recording artist of the same name, you are on the wrong site! I've also noticed over twenty-plus years of career that there are a few other writers in the world who share my name. But unless they are also light-skinned black girls who speak fractured Portuguese, possess a B.A. and an MALS from Connecticut Wesleyan and a memorable background as an A&R director for A&M, Columbia, and RMM records, we are not the same people.

I hope to remedy the seeming ubiquity of my name by providing content here that is unique to my quirky perspective on the world, as evidenced in stories published variously in Elle, Essence, Latin N.Y., The Black American, Film Comment, Actuel, The Daily News, The New York Times, The Village Voice, Request, International Musician, The Soho Weekly News, New York Newsday, Sonicnet, Creem, New York Rocker, Honey, Black Elegance, and The Face (of London). As archy the cockroach once wrote: "expression is the need of my soul." You may not always agree with me, but I hope that my stuff at least holds your interest, and perhaps provokes deeper thoughts or opinions of your own.

International Links
Music Reviews and Choices
Book Reviews and Choices
Film Reviews and Choices
Cultural Criticism
Scene Pieces
Think Pieces
Interview Transcripts
My Recommendations
Health Columns and Tips
Travel Pieces
Links to Peers, Idols, and Colleagues
World Conference Against Racism 2001
Pop Culture Considered as an Uphill Bicycle Race

Pop Culture Considered as an Uphill Bicycle Race