Live: The Boogaloo! Party Keeps It Moving at Nublu

Boogaloo! with Spanglish Fly, DJ Turmix
Friday, July 8

Better than: Paying twice as much to watch the same crowd drink and not dance.

It could have been a disaster — subway service to Loisaida was screwed up (again), it was raining, one of the club’s turntables was on the fritz, the band had had mere hours to warn Facebook fans to feed their own heads since the club would serve no booze due to a sudden (but temporary) problem with their liquor license. Not only did people from different age groups, classes, races, and boroughs come, they cheerfully paid to dance their asses off in a dry bar roughly the size and shape of a large railroad flat. Continue reading “Live: The Boogaloo! Party Keeps It Moving at Nublu”